Credit: ESO/Y. Beletsky.
Cycle 11 Call for Proposals
The Cycle 11 Call for Proposals is now open. The observatory will have several new capabilities in the upcoming cycle, including full polarization Band 1 observations with the 12-m Array, Band 1 observations with the 7-m Array, and high-frequency/long-baseline observations with Bands 9 and 10 in extended array configurations.
The deadline for proposal submission is 25 April 2024 at 15:00 UT. These observations will be scheduled from October 2024 to September 2025. More information is available from this link. Please contact the UK ARC Node if you would like assistance with your proposal preparation.
Updated Observing Tool and Documentation for ALMA
With the announcement of the Cycle 11 Call for Proposals, the Cycle 11 Observing Tool has now been released. The new version can be downloaded from the OT website.
Additionally, the ALMA documentation, including the ALMA Proposer’s Guide, Observing With ALMA - A Primer, and the ALMA Technical Handbook, has been updated for Cycle 11. These new documents can be downloaded from the ALMA Documents page.
ESO UK Users Poll
The Users Committee for ESO has released their annual poll for astronomers to provide feedback about their experiences with ESO telescopes including ALMA. This year’s poll has placed a special emphasis on Large Programmes.
The poll is accessible through this link. The poll will be open until 31 March 2024.