ALMA Makes First Observations of a Magnetic Field in a Protoplanetary Disk

ALMA 0.9mm observations of the protoplanetary disk in the HD 142527 system with the magnetic field structure superimposed on the image. Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO), S. Ohashi et al.
A research group led by Satoshi Ohashi at the NAOJ have used ALMA Band 3, 4, 6 and 7 data (spanning a wavelength range of 0.87-2.7 mm or a frequency range of 111-345 GHz) to measure polarized thermal dust emission from the protoplanetary disk in the HD 142527 system. This represents the first time that polarized dust emission and hence magnetic fields have been measured within a protoplanetary disk. These results have revealed that the magnetic fields have a complex three-dimensional structure and have also provided valuable data that had been missing from theoretical models of these dust disks. See the press release from ALMA or the paper in Nature Astronomy for more information.
Register of Interest for UK ALMA Cycle 12 Online Community Event
Survey Link
Submission Deadline: 10 March 2025
The UK ARC Node is currently gauging interest in an online community event for UK ALMA users that would be organized in the week after the Cycle 12 Call for Proposals (24-28 March). This event would include a brief presentation providing updates on ALMA’s capabilities for Cycle 12, an update on the Wideband Sensitivity Upgrade, and a short introduction to ALMA 2040.
To express interest in potentially participating in this event, please fill in the poll at this link. This poll will close at the end of 07 March.
ESO User Feedback Survey
Survey Link
Submission Deadline: 14 March 2025 23:59 UT
The User Committee for ESO’s astronomical community has circulated its annual poll to assess individuals’ experiences with ESO and its telescopes, including ALMA. The special focus of this year’s poll is Quality Assurance. The poll can be accessed via this link. The poll will take 5 to 15 minutes to complete. The deadline for completing the poll is 14 March at 23:59 UT.
UK ALMA Regional Centre Support Information and Contact Details
The UK ALMA Regional Centre Node is available to provide support to people working with or interested in working with ALMA. This may include help with preparatory data analysis, including the use of archival data, proposal and observing preparation, data calibration and imaging, and subsequent data analyses. We can also provide computing facilities for ALMA data processing and training for individuals or groups of people.
If you have any ALMA science results that they want to share with the UK ALMA community, please contact us, and we will endeavour to include those results in our next newsletter and on our website.
For any ALMA-related queries or support requests, please contact the UK ARC Node via the following:
ALMA Helpdesk:
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.